In Gujarat municipal elections, voting for which was on February 21, the Delhi Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has won 27 seats. Kejriwal has said this win is a %u201Cnew political beginning%u201D as the AAP has made unexpected gains in Gujarat civil polls. 

“Hearty congratulations to the people of Gujarat for initiating a new political beginning,” Kejriwal tweeted as results started getting declared on Tuesday, as the Delhi CM added he would visit Gujarat and hold a roadshow in Surat on February 26.

Gujarat municipal election result: BJP wins in Vadodara, Rajkot and Bhavnagar

Kejriwal on Tuesday thanked the people of Gujarat as the AAP was the second-largest part in Surat winning 27 seats. Meanwhile, the BJP has swept the Gujarat civic polls as it has won 367 seats out of 576. The results for 451 seats were declared by 5 pm, in which, apart from AAP and BJP Congress bagged 58, BSP three, and others four.

Gujarat is also bound to go for Assembly elections next year and these civic polls are being seen as a precursor to them.

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