In its highest single-day spike, India recorded 295,041 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, the Union Health Ministry’s data released on Wednesday showed. A total of 2,023 deaths were recorded in the past 24 hours across the nation, taking the death toll from coronavirus in India to 182,553. India’s tally of COVID-19 cases has now reached 15,616,130.
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In the last 24 hours, 167,457 people recovered from the COVID-19 disease. The tally of recovered COVID-19 cases has now reached 13,276,039. There are currently 2,157,538 active cases of coronavirus in India.
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A total of 271,053,392 samples have been tested up till April 20, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) said. This includes 1,639,357 samples tested on Tuesday.
Since the vaccination drive against COVID-19 was kicked off in India on January 16, 130,119,310 people have received at least one of the two doses of vaccine. The Centre on Monday opened up vaccination for all above 18 years.
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Currently, two vaccines — Covaxin and Covishield — are being administered in India. The former is the indigenous jab developed at Hyderabad’s Bharat biotech. Covishield is AstraZeneca/Oxford’s jab that is being manufactured at the Pune-based Serum Institute. A third vaccine, Russia’s Sputnik V, has also been approved by India’s drug regulator for emergency use.