Shri Krishna Janmashtami, which marks the birth of Lord Krishna, is on Monday. Gokulashtami falls on the Ashtami of Krishna Paksha of Bhadra month. Devotees across the world, especially in India celebrate the festival with great fervour. Sweets are prepared, a tableau of Krishna birth are created, people decorate their homes and perform pooja at 12 midnight to mark Lord’s birth. Most devotees also observe a fast on this day. It is believed that fasting on Krishna Janmasthami is auspicious.

However, there are ways to enhance the effects of your fast and do’s, don’ts of Krishna Janmashtami fast.

The virtue of one thousand Ekadashi fasts

The fast observed on Krishna Janmashtami has the virtue and blessings of one thousand Ekadashi fasts. Ekadashi fast is believed to be highly auspicious and a way to get free from thousand sins in the Hindu mythology

Do’s and Don’ts of Krishna Janmashtami vrat


One must keep themselves and the home clean and hygienic on the day to allow positive vibration at home. Do not eat anything repeatedly even the falahari food.

No meat and eggs

Even if you are non-vegetarian, meat and eggs on this day while observing the fast is strictly prohibited. 

Donate food

Donating food and other essentials to the needy during the fast gives more blessing and makes your fast complete.

Make a vow

Take a Sankalpa or a vow that you will keep the fast with all the devotion and sincerity for Lord Krishna without breaking it or making any mistakes. 

Chant Krishna verse

Keep chanting Krishna’s verse and bhajans during your free time.

Keep your thoughts pure

Don’t let any ill thoughts come to your mind. Observe this fast with utmost devotion and love for Krishna.

Krishna Janmashtami also popular as Gokulashtami or Krishnashtami, marks the birth anniversary of the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu. The day of Janmashtami is celebrated as the Dahi Handi.