CM Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday announced that night curfew will be imposed in Delhi starting from April 6 and will remain until April 30. The night curfew timings will be from 10 PM till 5 AM, it has been put in place after the national capital saw a huge rise in the COVID-19 cases.
Previously, the Delhi government said that there was no need to impose lockdown or curfew in the city but looking at the steep rise in cases, the government imposed a 7-hour long night curfew every night starting from Tuesday.
The national capital recorded more than 3,500 fresh cases and 15 deaths on Monday and the positivity rate increased to 5.54%. Current active cases have surged to more than 14,000. The city saw four consecutive days when more than 3,500 cases were registered.
Also Read: Delhi night curfew: Who all are exempt. Full list
The vaccination drive will see no changes, people who are going to get their jab will have to show an e-pass. Along with them people who work in businesses like fruits, vegetables, ration, general provision, medical stores will be allowed for movement on e-pass. Mediapersons from print and electronic media will also be allowed with a valid e-pass.
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