Delhi Cabinet Minister Imran Hussain is trending on XX after the Delhi High Court on Friday issued a notice, directing him to be present in a  hearing on Monday. This comes after a lawyer, in a petition, alleged that Hussain was hoarding oxygen cylinders and making “arbitrary distribution” of them amid the shortage of the lifesaving gas.

Hussain, member of the Aam Aadmi Party and the Seventh Legislative Assembly of Delhi, hails from the national capital. Born on May 21, 1981, the AAP MLA has a bachelor’s degree in Business Studies from Jamia Millia Islamia University.

His political career began in 2012 after winning councillor elections from Ballimaran on Rashtriya Lok Dal party’s ticket. Later on, he joined AAP and emerged victorious in the 2015 legislation assembly elections from Ballimaran constituency. He was re-elected from the same constituency in 2020.

Hussain, 39, became the minister of Food and Civil Supplies and Elections in the Delhi Cabinet in 2015 and has been holding the position since then.


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