As frustration mounts among Epic Games users encountering the dreaded AS-3 error, the situation is not going unnoticed. The Epic Games website boldly declares, “We are aware that players are currently experiencing issues when trying to log in.” This acknowledgment serves as the starting point for understanding and resolving the Epic Games Sign-In Failed AS-3 error on Windows. Here’s a comprehensive guide to navigate through these persistent login challenges.

Checking Epic Games Server Status:

Acknowledging the ongoing login issues is the first step in addressing the AS-3 error. Epic Games transparently communicates the situation, urging users to check the Epic Games Status page. A quick visit reveals valuable insights into the status of Epic Online Services and the Epic Games Store. Any signs of non-operational or degraded services indicate server-related problems, prompting users to await resolution before attempting to log in again.

Also Read: Epic Games users getting ‘Sorry, you’re visiting too frequently’: How to fix the error?

Network Troubleshooter:

Understanding that the AS-3 error may stem from network-related issues, Windows users are guided through the Network Troubleshooter on Windows 11. Accessible through Settings, this built-in tool identifies and addresses common network problems, offering automated fixes or user-applicable solutions. Whether it’s restarting modems, routers, or disabling VPNs and proxies, users can navigate the troubleshooter to potentially resolve their connectivity issues.

Disabling Windows Firewall:

In a bid to tackle the AS-3 error, users are advised to temporarily disable the Windows Firewall, a potential barrier to the Epic Games Launcher. A cautious approach is emphasized due to the associated security risks. However, if disabling the firewall resolves the error, users can then proceed to reconfigure it, ensuring seamless access for Epic Games.

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Switching to Google DNS:

For users still grappling with the AS-3 error, the guide suggests a switch to Google DNS as a strategic move to enhance connection stability. This involves navigating through Windows 11 settings, altering IP assignment types, and inputting Google DNS addresses. The article underscores the importance of flushing the DNS cache to ensure the correct routing of connections, potentially mitigating the persisting AS-3 error.

Playing on Epic Games:

Concluding the guide, users are reminded that if the AS-3 error lingers, a more drastic measure may be necessary. Uninstalling and reinstalling the Epic Games launcher is presented as a potential solution to reset configurations and troubleshoot lingering issues. This step is positioned as a final resort to ensure users can enjoy a seamless gaming experience on the Epic Games platform.