On November 17, 2023, a contentious incident unfolded in Brooklyn, New York, as Ahmad Khatib, the CEO of Iksa Group and an architectural consultant, was captured on camera tearing down posters aimed at raising awareness about Israeli civilians kidnapped by Hamas terrorists. This startling act has intensified discussions surrounding the Israel-Hamas conflict, injecting further complexity into an already sensitive situation.
Who Was Ahmad Khatib?
Ahmad Khatib, initially described as an “Architectural Consultant” at Iksa Group in Brooklyn, was identified as the CEO of the same company in more recent listings as of November 30, 2023. His academic background includes studies in architectural technology at New York City College of Technology (City Tech), affiliated with the City University of New York (CUNY).
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The posters that Khatib targeted were part of an awareness campaign shedding light on Israeli civilians, including women and children, kidnapped by Hamas during terror attacks and war crimes on October 7, 2023. These attacks resulted in over 1,200 Israelis dead, hundreds kidnapped, and thousands wounded. Hamas’ actions included mass murder, torture, rape, and beheadings, prompting Israel to retaliate with a military operation named “Swords of Iron.”
The video capturing Khatib’s actions reveals him tearing down posters while asserting the need for a license to display them. This has fueled debates about Khatib’s stance on the conflict and the right to free expression in the face of humanitarian concerns.
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Ahmad Khatib’s controversial act has ignited discussions about the complexities surrounding the Israel-Hamas conflict and the role of individuals in expressing their views within the broader context of global conflicts and humanitarian concerns.