Johnson & Johnson announced that it will be recalling select products after traces of Benzene were found in some product samples. Long term exposure to the chemical can be harmful to the human body, according to US media reports citing the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

But what exactly is Benzene?

Benzene is a highly evaporative chemical that produces a heavy vapour, helping it to settle down quickly. The chemical, at room temperature, will be in liquid form with either a light yellowish shade or completely colourless. Benzene is also a highly flammable chemical.

How could you be exposed to Benzene?

An individual has a greater chance of being exposed to Benzene while being indoors as the chemical is used in products like furniture wax, paint, glue and detergents. However, even while being outdoors, exposure to the chemical is possible as it is present in the environment due to industrial plants, gas stations and smoke produced through tobacco. 

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According to reports from the United States Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, the symptoms of exposure include headaches, confusion, dizziness, drowsiness and rapid heartbeats. The exposure can even be fatal in some cases when an individual is exposed to high levels of the chemical. 

Benzene can also trigger long-term consequences for the human body in some cases. One of the most severe impacts includes troubling effects on the bone marrow of an individual and substantially reducing the red blood cell count, which in turn can cause anaemia, according to reports from the Centres of Disease Control and Prevention.

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