Audrey Hale was identified as the Covenant School, Nashville shooting suspect. Three staff members and as many students died in the incident.

Several social media users pointed out that Hale’s mother, Norma, appears to be a gun control activist who urged her Facebook friends to sign a petition calling to keep firearms out of schools.

“So important!” Norma Hale wrote on March 8, 2018 in a Facebook post. She shared a petition that stated “Keep Guns Out of School”, which appeared to be from the Sandy Hook Promise Foundation. However, the link is not operational now.

Also Read | Audrey Hale: 5 facts to know about Covenant School, Nashville shooting suspect

In another post, – on February 21, 2018 – Norma Hale shared a petition from Sandy Hook Promise, asking lawmakers to “Make Large-Capacity Gun Magazines Illegal.”

Norma’s Facebook profile suggests that she worked as a coordinator at a Nashville-based church, The Village Chapel. She seemed to be proud of her two children’s achievements.

On January 28, 2019, Norma wrote that she ‘found this in a devotional book I loaned to Audrey’ with a heart emoji at the end of the sentence and a photo that shows “I (love) God” written on the page.

Norma Hale also commented ‘So proud of Audrey’ in a March 15, 2017 Facebook post to laud her daughter for impressing one of her college professors at Nossi College of Art.

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On August 2015, she stated that Audrey “wrote ‘thank you’ notes to all her professors at the end of her summer semester” including to one teacher who lost her son in a car accident a year prior.

“These were some of her words … ‘Don’t ever let anything or anyone steal your joy. You have a reason and a purpose to be here.’ Hale wrote, adding, “Amazing, Dre. I love you.”

Audrey Hale was a Nashville resident and was armed with two assault-style rifles and a handgun when she was confronted by five officers. The 28-year-old attended the Covenant School.