Amazon Riddle (21st August 2021): You walk into a room that contains a match, a kerosene lamp, a candle and a fireplace. What would you light first?
a) Kerosene lamp
b) Candle
c) The fireplace
d) The match
Answer: (d) The match
The key to answering this well is to think about how to enlighten
other options besides the key part of the game! There are no other options to
light them up, so the match needs to be strike before you can burn some.
Many people mistakenly respond to a lamp as it may burn for
a very long time or some say that if you see a fireplace some lights are not
needed, but depending on what the purpose is heat, light, or longevity.
And first of all, you do not need fire to light a match,
that would be foolish. You will need a striker if you do not use a matchstick
anywhere. In some cases, though, it may be necessary to light a match with a
hot cigarette tip to ignite a fire.
Second, what does “light” mean? By fire? What about lighting
a torch, that’s within the meaning of lighting? Finally, the riddle does not
say whether it is dark in a room and it does not mean that it is cold inside.
Just the mention of a kerosene lamp tells us nothing at all during the day. So
if it’s daytime mid-summer, you don’t need to light up any of the options
offered in the riddle.
Offering for fun, it was winter, cold and dark in the room,
which you choose to light up first. I would light a matchstick if I could find
it in the room, and then light a kerosene lamp that way, as soon as I ran out
of matches. I’m still going to fix the stove to light a fire and the match
won’t do it when it’s dark. Unable to find a match in the room, I felt an
electric button on the wall and tried to open it.
Note- I did not carry a match because the riddle says I go
into a room with a match, a kerosene lamp, and a fireplace. Obviously, I
wouldn’t be in the fireplace. All of these things are in the room, before I
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