Netflix released a short teaser of its upcoming animated series The Cuphead Show at its Greeked Week event on Friday. The show is based on the best-selling, critically-acclaimed, and notoriously difficult video game Cuphead. The clip doesn%u2019t reveal much, but the game%u2019s old-school animation style looks to translate perfectly into an animated series and the gorgeous animation seems to capture the game%u2019s spirit.
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Netflix also revealed that the Game of talents host will join the animated video game series, and Wayne Brady will voice the dastardly King Dice. Brady%u2019s character will be the manipulative, right-hand man to the devil. The Cuphead game%u2019s developer Studio MDHR had first announced that the Cuphead Show was in the works nearly two years ago.
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The comedy series will be produced by Netflix animations and follows the unique misadventures of the impulsive Cuphead and his cautious swayed brother Mugman. The teaser looks fantastic, although we still don%u2019t know when the show will be coming after this recent reveal about Brady%u2019s casting, the fans are even more excited.