Bayonetta is an action-adventure game series created by game director Hideki Kamiya and produced by the Japanese studio Platinum Games. The lead character and protagonist in the game is named Bayonetta and it used to be voiced by Hellena Taylor, a UK-based actor, and voice-over artist. 

However, Taylor has said that she will not be voicing the character in Bayonetta 3, to be released on October 28, over disagreements related to pay. Taylor said that Platinum Studios offered her only $4000 dollars as a one-time payment and she found it insulting. 

Also read: Hellena Taylor calls for boycott of Bayonetta over ‘insulting’ pay

Taylor has since asked fans to boycott the game and donate the money they would have spent on it to charity. 

What is Bayonetta? 

The first edition of Bayonetta was released on October 29, 2009, in Japan and it was titled simply Bayonetta. It went on to release worldwide in January 2010 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The 2009 Bayonetta was released as a remastered edition for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in February 2020. 

Although Platinum Games was disappointed with the sales of Bayonetta, they decided to announce a sequel in 2012, this time for Nintendo Direct. There was backlash from the fans over the title’s unavailability on the more popular PlayStation platform but Platinum Games still went ahead as Nintendo was funding the project to a great extent.

Finally, Bayonetta 2 was released in 2014 and by 2018, Nintendo had sold 400,000 copies in the first nine weeks alone. A Wii U version was also released and sold 300,000 copies. 

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The third edition of the game was announced by Nintendo a The Game Awards in 2017 and it is in the final stages of production now. According to Platinum Studios, the game will release on Nintendo Switch on October 28, 2022. 

the Bayonetta fandom has made the series a highly profitable venture over the years. Along with several spin-offs, an anime film titled Bayonetta: Bloody Fate was released back in 2013.