The upcoming superhero film Black Adam is based on the same-named villain from DC Comics. The movie, which will be the eleventh entry in the DC Extended Universe, is a spin-off of Shazam! and is being co-produced by New Line Cinema, DC Films, Seven Bucks Productions, and Flynn Picture Company.
The 50-year-old actor Dwayne Johnson will play a re-born character with divine powers in the movie, which he has previously referred to as a passion project when the trailer premiered in June.
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Directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, Black Adam centres on a human slave who was endowed with divine abilities but misused them to exact revenge. As a result, he was imprisoned and transformed into Black Adam. Five thousand years later, when he is finally set free, he knows exactly how he wants to exact revenge.
When Black Adam be available for streaming?
Black Adam was supposed to be released in June, but the COVID-19 pandemic forced the abandonment of those plans. It will now be available on October 21, 2022. Since the early 2000s, the film has been in production, and it is finally about to hit theatres. If Warner continues to release films 45 days after their theatrical debut on HBO Max, the film will be available on the platform around December 5, 2022. However, it has not yet been confirmed.
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Producer Hiram Garcia explained the latest postponement of the Black Adam release date in an interview with The Wrap.
“Obviously all these superhero movies just require so much VFX, and we’re just in a situation where the majority of the VFX houses are just completely swamped with work. I think that’s why you saw seismic shifts across the board, and you continue to see those giant properties just moving further down the line,” Garcia clarified. “And it’s just a matter of the vendors being able to accommodate the amount of VFX they have to do, the shots that have to be done,” Garcia concluded.