The Witcher season 2 revealed its most in-depth trailer on Friday. The trailer featured the next step in Geralt and Ciri%u2019s journey together. Also, it was introduced during Netflix%u2019s WitcherCon stream by Geralt himself, Henry Cavill.

Also read: ‘The Witcher’ season 2 announced: Release date, cast, trailer and more | Check here

Fans of the franchise will know that as a hidden castle, and the stronghold of the Witchers. There, with the help of Geralt and his fellow Witchers, Ciri must learn to defend herself and %u2014 if the story holds true to the original %u2014 someday become a monster hunter.

The trailer picked up with Geralt and Ciri finally meeting. Further, we saw, Geralt explaining that the land of Cintra isn%u2019t safe for Ciri anymore, and instead, she%u2019ll need to come with him to Kaer Morhen. Fans would know about the hidden castle and the stronghold of the Witchers. With help of Geralt and his fellow Witchers Ciri needs to defend herself and %u2014 if the story holds true to the original %u2014 someday become a monster hunter.

Also read: What can we expect from ‘The Witcher’ season 2?

It is obvious that the second season is more than just an extended training montage, and the trailer sets that expectation quite well. The trailer clip also includes several action scenes involving unknown assailants. Ciri and Geralt are also seen spending time working with practice swords in the snow. 

We surely know that whoever it is attacking them, will surely face a difficult time taking on a newly trained Ciri alongside Geralt and a bevy of his Witcher brothers.

Also read: The Witcher: Who is the witcher ‘Geralt of Rivia’?

Finally, the trailer ended by taking far away from the Witchers%u2019 castle to a forest where Yennefer wakes up. But we%u2019ll have to wait until the season arrives to see whether or not she%u2019ll reunite with Geralt and Ciri. Season 2 of the series will release on Netflix on December 17, 2021. 

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