Joint pain can occur due to many factors, such as overdoing your workout session or not doing any physical activity at all. Joint
pain caused by everyday issues can be treated by some lifestyle changes such as
adding stretching exercises to your routine and eating a balanced diet. But
intense and prolonged pain in joints can be a sign of some
underlying health conditions which can become severe complications in
the future.

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Apart from aging or everyday issues, here are
some conditions that may be causing joint pain:


The most common form of arthritis is Osteoarthritis, it
can cause many bone-related problems. It occurs due to the breakdown of cartilage, which serves as
a cushion between the joints. Ageing mostly affects the knees, hips, neck, lower back. Joint
stiffness is a common symptom of osteoarthritis. The condition gets intense it
causes sharp aches and restricts movement.

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The thyroid gland is responsible for producing several hormones that help to control the body’s metabolic rate,
muscles, digestive functions, brain development and bone maintenance. Any
disruption in the hormones produced by the body can lead to
various problems, including joint pain. An underactive or overactive thyroid
gland can make you more prone to injuries and fractures.

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Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is also a joint-related issue. It is an autoimmune disease that is caused due to immune system malfunctions. Inflammation and stiffness in joints are the common symptoms of RA. Common symptoms are cause fatigue, fever and unexplained weight loss. As is it is an autoimmune disease, it cannot be cured but symptoms can be managed with antibiotics or other medicines with professional recommendation.

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Previous injury

Past injuries can also cause joint-related issues later in life. Both treated and untreated injuries can lead to bone-related complications. Joint pain can be severe in the winter season. A drop in barometric pressure leads to tissue and fluid joints to expand which causes pain at the old injury points.

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Depression not only affects your mental health but also your
physical health. Chronic depression can cause unexpected aches and pain in
the joints. Getting treatment for depression, be it medication or
counseling, can help relieve joint pain. Other signs of depression may
include a changed appetite, sleep disturbances, difficulty concentrating, and
feelings of hopelessness.