The five-day Test between India vs England ended on Saturday as the former defeated the latter by an innings and 25 runs, ending the five-day Test in three days. The victory was hailed by people across the spectrum from President Ram Nath Kovind, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi to cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar. However, the match ending early left people, who had already bought the ticket for the fourth and fifth day, were left confused. India completed three victories in only nine of the 15 days available.
The Test match was being played at the Narendra Modi stadium in Ahmedabad and India beat England, reaching the World Test Championship finals. India will play against New Zealand in the WTC in June in England.
Also Read | World Test Championship: India’s ideal playing XI for the final at Lord’s
While one user questioned Union Minister State of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports asking for the refund of the third Test of India vs England, which had ended in just 2 days, another user on Twitter asked whether he will get a refund or not for the tickets he bought for the fourth day for 4th Test match.
Also Read | ‘We bowled and fielded with more intensity’: Virat Kohli hails India’s series comeback
“I have 3 tickets for India vs England, 4th Day Test. Would you please tell me if I’ll get refund or not?” tweeted a user.
Another user tweeted, “Saturday looks to be panning out: Watch the end of the Test match; breakfast. #IndiavsEngland (To think I bought 4th day tickets for the summer).”
See some of the tweets here:
However, to one such tweet, a user, who had made the booking through the BookMyShow app, tagged the account asking for refund. BookMyShow replied to the query asking the person to DM them the contact details and assured that the team will get in touch with him.
While the Test series ended on Saturday with the hosts making India proud, users are still making their way to get refunds for the tickets they booked for the 4th and 5th day of the match.