Shah Rukh Khan, one of the biggest movie stars on the planet, is never away from the headlines despite not doing a film (albeit a few special appearances) for the last four years. The megastar has now released a video of a sea of fans outside Mannat, his house in Mumbai that has turned into a de facto tourist spot, who had gathered there on November 2 to wish him on his birthday.
With the video, the 57-year-old has thanked his fans for the love they show: “The sea of love as I see it. Thank u all for being there and making this day ever so special. Gratitude…and only Love to you all.”
Check out the footage right here:
Large gatherings outside Mannat are not uncommon, and people can be often seeing standing outside the palatial building on normal days as well, waiting to get a chance to meet their favourite hero. Every year during Eid and Khan’s birthday, he makes it a point to come out and greet his fans.
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In the special episode of My Next Guest Is, an interview show by David Letterman, one can see the American talk-show host bewildered at the sight of thousands of people gathered outside Mannat to catch a glimpse of the man who has defined Hindi cinema for a generation.
On the work front, Yash Raj Films dropped a teaser-trailer of Khan’s upcoming film, Pathaan, on his birthday. The movie also stars Deepika Padukone and John Abraham, and has been directed by Siddharth Anand, who also helmed the film War starring Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff. Pathaan will release on January 25, 2023.
Also Read| Shar Rukh Khan greets fans on his birthday, shares selfie online
Khan has two more movies in the works, namely, Jawan with director Atlee and Dunki with Rajkumar Hirani. While he will face off against Vijay Sethupati in Jawan, fans will see him teaming up for the first time with Taapsee Pannu in Hirani’s film, which will release on Christmas next year.