Business tycoon Anand Mahindra has shared a pretty much relatable video clip on Twitter. The clip packs in a hilarious message that will surely make you nod in agreement.
In the video shared by Mahindra on Twitter, a dog can be seen watching a soccer match and is reacting in an extremely exuberant manner. Nevertheless, what caught the attention of the netizens was the caption written by Anand Mahindra.
“I guess they’re watching a soccer match. But I’m going to be just like that pooch when someone finally announces on TV that the pandemic is done and dusted,” reads the caption.
Watch the video here
Reactions of some Twitter users
The video was shared on June 9 and within 24 hours, the clip has garnered over 85,000 views and tons of hilarious reactions.
Since then, Twitter users have resonated with Anand Mahindra’s thoughts and expressed their acknowledgement in the comments section. Have a look at some of the reactions,
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on every individuals lives. In such a situation, people sharing lighthearted posts will help in easing up the tensed situation.