Bollywood actor and Indian Premier League franchise Kolkata Knight Rider’s owner Shah Rukh Khan on Wednesday hosted his ‘AskSRK’ session on Twitter. During the session, Khan gave several witty replies to the questions from his fans, but one of his answers regarding KKR‘s IPL 2021 campaign stood out.
During the session, one of the fans asked Khan if KKR will win the IPL trophy this year to which, Khan replied that he wants to drink his coffee in that cup (the trophy). He said, “I hope so. I want to start drinking coffee in that only!”
Another fan asked Khan about what he wished for KKR this year. Khan relied, “They should all be healthy and entertain us with their cricket….and put their best effort forward.”
During a virtual press conference on Wednesday, KKR skipper Eoin Morgan talked about the latest addition to the team, Harbhajan Singh.
Morgan said, “I think adding Harbhajan to our squad has strengthened our spin department. If you look at our spin department, on paper it is one of the best in the tournament and that is factual.”
He added, “We have to play in Chennai and it can turn there, it can raise the eyebrows of our spinners there. If we do well in the tournament, our spinners would have bowled well.”