Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, changed the company’s famous bird logo to an X in a bold redesign. Musk announced his plans last Sunday. He tweeted on Monday morning that X.com is now linked to Twitter.com.
He commented, “Interim X logo goes live later today,” just before posting a picture of Twitter’s headquarters illuminated by a huge new X.
On Wednesday, Musk changed the design of the Twitter logo once more, choosing this time to use somewhat broader lines. However, he then expressed his displeasure and announced that the modification would be reversed soon. He tweeted, “I don’t like the thicker bars, so reverting. The logo will evolve over time.”
Also Read: Twitter sign outside X HQ building in San Francisco being taken down | Watch video
Now while some social media users welcome this radical change, many of them disapprove of it. This was proven when ‘WTF is X’ started trending on Twitter on Sunday. One Twitter user commented, “Wtf is X I wake up to find Twitter app looks like a porn app!! WTF IS THIS SHIT!!!” while another one said, “Now my twitter is weird, there’s this big X in the logo but it’s like the twitter logo fights back and wins… Also wtf is X? That’s the dumbest most generic dumb fuck name ever.”
A third social media user posted, “It’s funny to see “Wtf is X” trending, because using Elno’s logic about trans people and our chosen names and pronouns, X doesn’t actually exist. It has always been Twitter, it is Twitter, and it will always be Twitter,” while somebody else stated, “Elon did the ultimate personal security breach on my phone. WTF is X !? I literally went into my phone yesterday and disabled auto updates, and the man still found a way to update the app. Never met anyone with a small pepe syndrome.
Also Read: Twitter trolled as adult content site ‘Xvideos’ after Elon Musk changes logo, name
Also Read: Elon Musk trolled after changing Twitter’s name to X, people compare social media site to “New Coke”
The “X” logo’s early version was remarkably similar to Monotype’s Special Alphabets 4 font and even aligned with a Unicode character, indicating that Musk may have used these as models for his temporary design. But he made it clear that it would only be an “interim” option, raising questions about when he will ultimately choose a final logo design for the social media powerhouse.