Amazon Quiz: In which European country is this location located?





Answers: Switzerland

Switzerland is among Europe’s most popular travel destinations. Picturesque landscapes, chocolates, and really good cheese all make this a favoured hotspot for people all over the world. 

For those who’ve grown up seeing Heidi run in the lush greenness of the Swiss Alps, the country’s beauty is something that stays with visitors. With its capital in Bern, Switzerland has also been considered a banking safe haven. 

The country has also given the world some of the greatest precision watches, but Switzerland has been most remembered for its neutrality. This historic stance was altered after Russia invaded Ukraine, with President Vladimir Putin sending troops in on February 24, vowing to “denazify” the country. 

Since then, the Swiss have imposed “fine-tuned” sanctions on Russia, becoming a part of the larger global backlash that Moscow has faced. 

Elsewhere, the country has also approved special pods to make the process of euthanasia more efficient. This assisted suicide step has garnered some backlash among pro-lifer sections, but the topic has always been debatable, with many stating that old age and consent are essential parameters for euthanasia to be allowed. 

Football fans can watch the Swiss team participate in the Qatar World Cup where they will go up against Brazil, Cameron, and Serbia in the group stages.

Geneva is Switzerland’s most populated country, and the land which gave us fondue is also known for its linguistic diversity, and serves as the Red Cross headquarters. 

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