The Centre’s recent recruitment scheme for Indian youth to serve in the armed forces, shares its name with which movie?





Answer: Agnipath

The Agnipath scheme involves hiring people below the rank of officer in order to send younger, more physically fit troops to the front lines, many of whom will be employed on a four-year contract. A more modernised image of the Army, Navy, and Air Force will result from this effort, which will change the game.

Under this plan, people between the ages of 17.5 and 21 will be enlisted in the military.

All three services will have unified online enrollment, and authorised technical colleges such Industrial Training Institutes and the National Skills Qualifications Framework, among others, will have targeted rallies and campus interviews. The age range for enrollment will be 17.5 to 21 years old, and it will be done on a “All India All Class” basis. Agnivesers will be able to apply for their specific categories or trades after meeting the medical conditions for enlisting in the military.

The salary package for the first year is Rs 4.76 lakh, with an increase to Rs 6.92 lakh in the fourth year. Seva Nidhi’s post-release package, which includes interest, is about Rs. 11.71 lakh (tax free) A non-contributory insurance cover of Rs. 48 lakh is also available. As long as the people get an Agniveer skill certificate, which will help with post-release employment chances.

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