Amazon Quiz: Name this Roman God





Answer: Neptune

The questions on Amazon Quiz September 23, 2022 are: 

Neptune is the god of freshwater and the sea in Roman religion, the counterpart to Greek god Poseidon. Neptune was first associated with freshwater springs before being associated with the sea. He is also worshipped by Romans as the god of horses, just like Poseidon. 

Etruscan representations of Neptune are rare but significant. The oldest is a fourth century BC carved carnelian scarab from the Vulchi of Nethuns kicking a rock and creating a spring. 

A fourth-century bronze mirror in the Vatican depicts Neptune with Amymone, daughter of Danaus. 

The French Department of Subaquatic Archaelogical Research discovered a life-size fourth-century marble statue of Neptune in the Rhone of Arles. 

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