On Thursday, MCU’s series Loki released a new featurette which promises to trace the origins of Sylvie Laufeydottir, played by Sophia Di Martino. Sylvie was introduced in of Loki as the female variant of Loki who is from another timeline. She was first introduced in the second episode of the show titled “The Variant”.

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In the featurette released by the official Twitter handle Loki, Sophia (Selvie) said that despite being another version of Loki, Sylvie is different from him. The short clip is packed with snippets of footage from the upcoming episodes.

Notably, the episode will also feature a flashback which involves Sylvie’s childhood on Asgard of her timeline. The video also gives us a glimpse of the child. “The universe wants to break free so it manifests chaos, like me,” says Sylvie in the video.

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Sylvie Laufeydottir aka Sylvie, is the daughter of Laufey. For those wondering about, who is Laufey? Laufey was the king of Frost Giants. He was killed by Loki in the main MCU timeline. Notably, he was also the father of Loki. Sylvie or Lady Loki is the dangerous variant that the Time Variance Authority (TVA) has been eyeing for.

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Although, many things are expected to be similar with her male counterpart – Loki, the God of Mischief – there will also be new things that will portray her as a different person. Clearly, as we have seen before, both have a proclivity for troublemaking.

God of Mischief was at one point asked by Selvie, “What makes a Loki, well, Loki?” To which, the former prince of Asgard replied, “Independence, authority, style.”

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New episodes of Loki drops in every Wednesday. The fourth episode will be releasing on June 30 on Disney+ Hotstar at 12:30 pm IST.

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