Sonam Kapoor, who is known for being bold and unapologetic, has now grabbed the headlines for the wrong reason. The actor appeared on the cover of Vogue India for the July month’s issue. Though the actor looked stunning on the cover of the magazine, her statement on ‘Freedom in London’ hasn’t gone down too well with the social media users, who are mercilessly trolling.
For those unversed, the actor is currently staying in Notting Hill, England, with her husband Anand Ahuja.
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In an interview with the magazine, Sonam said, “London has made me realise that I’m very Indian. I now realise what being an immigrant actually means. Migrating to a new place is hard. I didn’t understand why Indians abroad were more Indian than Indians in India, and I realised it’s because we hold on to our roots so hard.”
“I miss Bombay—the food, my family, my friends, the traffic, the movie industry. I love living here, but India is where my heart is,” she added.
The ‘Neerja’ actor then went on to describe her daily routine in London.
“I like the freedom here. I make my own food, clean my own space, shop for my own groceries,” she said.
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Soon, she was trolled by social media users for who called out her privileges. Many said that she could have done the same chores in India.
“So Sonam Kapoor made a statement where she says she likes ‘freedom’ that she gets in London. She makes her own food, and cleans her own space. Helpers and cooks in India enters home forcefully and doesn’t let her do anything or what?” one person commented.
Meanwhile, on the professional front, Sonam, who made her debut in ‘Saawariya’ in 2007, will next be seen in ‘Blind’ directed by Shome Makhija. The shoot for the film kickstarted in December last year.