Amazon Quiz (November 04): In which of these countries is this the national animal?





Answer: India

Here are some interesting tiger facts:

Royal Bengal Tigers are the largest amongst other wild cats. The male of the species weigh up to 300 kilograms.

Tigers are gifted with the capacity to communicate with one another through a variety of different noises. They utilise it to communicate to others their emotions, affection, distress, and dominance. Low-frequency and ultrasonic sounds are audible to them. They turn their ears to pick up any sound.

On a safari, we might hear a variety of sounds, including territorial roars, cub distress calls, amorous chuffing, wrestling sounds, mating roars, moans, grunts, and whines.

Although they can easily climb trees, tigers don’t usually do so unless the cubs are small. Their firm grasp on the tree trunk and retractable claws allow them to securely climb up. And as individuals age, their body weight makes it harder for them to do that.

Despite this, it has been seen that adult tigers will climb trees to capture monkeys and leopards.

Tigers enjoy being in the water and will spend a lot of time splashing around at the edges of lakes, ponds, rivers, and waterholes. At the height of the day’s heat, they immerse themselves, soaking up to the neck.

They are superb swimmers and can consume up to 15 to 20 litres of water each day.

Tigers and other nocturnal animals have a layer of reflective tissue behind the retina called the tapetum lucidum, which gives the eye a second opportunity to catch the light, improving their night vision significantly. Humans have a layer of dark pigment cells behind the retina that absorb extra light.

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