In the midst of the BBC presenter incident, Katie Hopkins shared a video to social media in which she criticized people for “sympathizing” with Huw Edwards. “I can say this”, the far-right media figure captioned the video when it was posted on Wednesday, “I’m not looking for work in the MSM. And I’ve been expelled from nations, sacked for a tweet, and detained for my words. There are repercussions for acts.”
After Huw Edwards was identified by his wife as the BBC presenter being accused of receiving payments for sexually explicit photos, the political analyst resorted to social media.
Who is Katie Hopkins?
Katie Hopkins is a British media personality, columnist, and political commentator. Born on February 13, 1975, in Barnstaple, Devon, England, Katie Hopkins first gained attention as a contestant on the reality TV show “The Apprentice” in 2007. She became known for her outspoken and provocative comments, which led to further appearances on TV programs and frequent contributions to print and online media outlets.
Hopkins has been known for making controversial and divisive statements on subjects such as immigration, Islam, feminism, and political correctness. Her opinions often generate significant backlash and criticism from various quarters.
Over the years, Hopkins has worked for various media outlets, including hosting her own television talk show and writing columns for newspapers and online platforms. She has been associated with outlets such as The Sun and Mail Online.
Hopkins has faced legal issues and lawsuits related to her comments. In some cases, she has been sued for defamation or hate speech, resulting in financial settlements or judgments against her. Hopkins has been active on social media platforms, particularly Twitter, where she has amassed a significant following
Scoffing at the sympathy for Edwards, Katie Hopkins said: “People saying the hashtag ‘Poor Huw’, or hashtag ‘Caroline Flack‘ or hashtag ‘Be Kind’, in order to make themselves the ambassador of what it is to be moral or to be kind and to self-inoculate because look at them sympathizing with the poor guy.
“I call bull on that. Bull****.”
Hopkins added: “It seems like whatever goes on with these guys in front of the cameras when something goes wrong, it’s mental health issues. Phillip Schofield, mental health issues. Now for Huw Edwards, it’s all the mental health issues.”