Andor, the latest series from the Star Wars franchise, has released to much critical acclaim. The series, which traces the origins of Cassian Andor during the five years leading up to Rogue One, is a grittier portrayal of the Star Wars portrayal than ever seen before.
While the first three episodes were released on September 21, the fourth episode is scheduled to release on September 28. Each episode after this will continue to release every Wednesday. There will be a total of 12 episodes in both the first and the already-announced second season.
What to expect in episode 4
In the first three episodes, we get a glimpse of the family and friends of Cassian Andor and how he finally meets Rebel Alliance member Luthen Rael (Stellan Skarsgard). By the third episode, Andor is a murder suspect identified by the corporate conglomerate Preox Morlana who teams up with Rael, kills a number of Pre-Mor officials, and flies off with the latter to another planet.
Also Read| Andor episodes 1-3: Major Easter eggs explained
Episode 4 can show us how Andor becomes an important member of the Rebel Alliance after escaping the clutches of Syril Karn-led Pre-Mor troops. The duo, while escaping, had left the NS-9 Starpath behind. It is a tool made by the Galactic Empire for tracing all radial coordinates for 9 radial parsecs.
It remains to be seen who chances upon this unique and expensive device and whether leaving it behind comes back to haunt Rael and Andor.
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Two major characters who are set to return in this series have not been seen yet, and with Andor flying off to (likely) join the Rebel Alliance, it remains to be seen whether he does meet them in episode 4. These characters are non other than Saw Gerrera (Forest Whitaker) and Mon Mothma (Genevieve O’Reilly). We can also expect Syril Karn to continue hunting for Andor in the latest episode.