Star Wars: Andor is an American TV series directed by Tony Gilroy, whose first three episodes are now streaming on Disney+. The series is a prequel to Rogue One (2016), narrating the life of the titular character Cassian Andor in the timespan of five years leading to the events of the film, also focusing on his character development process. According to reports, the tone of the series is mature and the performances are exceptional. The series explores new dynamics of the Star Wars universe and the fans have already started speculating on if there will be a sequel to the series.
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Will there be a Season 2 of Andor?
director of the series, Tony Gilroy, confirmed about the coming of the second
season. In an interview with The Wrap, he said that the filming of season 2
will start very soon. He added details on the filming tenure and the time that
will be needed in the post production process. “We start shooting in
November on Part 2. And I don’t know if… Our past pattern was two years, but
I mean, I’ll be on… We’ll shoot from November to August. And then our post [-production]
last time was about a year.”
the second season of Andor might be conjectured to be released in 2024.
April 2022, Adriano Goldman revealed that initially, it was planned that the
series would run for five seasons. In a Comic Book Resource interview, he said
that at first the series was supposed to be five years long but there will only
be, in his opinion, only three.
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further said that, given how huge the show is, it would be physically
impossible to carry it out for five seasons.
continued, “So then we were like, ‘What are we going to do?’ And then the
answer turned out to be incredibly elegant and perfect because we knew where we
wanted to go. Every now and then you get really lucky and the solution turned
out to be really fortunate for us.”