Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut uploaded a series of photos on social media on Monday, enjoying the romantic vibes on the sets of Razneesh Ghai’s next film ‘Dhaakad.’
The star on Instagram shared a snapshot of herself posing for a photo shoot for which she had particularly ordered a bouquet of flowers. For her recent photoshoot, the actor channelled her inner romantic and donned a new persona.
Ranaut wore a floral midi dress and sunglasses on the sets of ‘Dhaakad’ in Budapest in a series of photos shared by her.
Also read: Aamir Khan-Kiran Rao divorce: Kangana Ranaut questions interfaith marriages
The 34-year-old strolled on Hungary’s streets and chose to play the ‘Bolly Bimbo’ in order to capture typical Instagram photographs for her admirers. She captioned them as follows: “Decided to play a Bolly Bimbo today and shoot typical Insta style pics for my highly intelligent Insta family.”
The star was spotted wandering about the city in flats in another post. She told her followers that she bought a bunch of colourful flowers for the photograph and to improve her ‘Insta game.’
She wrote, ‘Bought these flowers to get my Insta game right …. Might be a fatal blow on my self-respect but my vanity is gloating…’. Not shying away from admiring her own beauty, the actor captioned another post writing, ‘No really it’s nice to be here and clicking these self-indulgent pictures….”
Also read: 5 Aamir Khan-Kiran Rao collaborations that will stand the test of time
Meanwhile, Kangana’s next film projects include ‘Thalaivi,’ a biopic of Tamil Nadu’s former chief minister Jayalalithaa. She also had ‘Tejas’ and ‘Dhaakad’ in her kitty. A sequel, titled ‘Manikarnika Returns: The Legend Of Didda,’ is also in the works.
On Monday, Ranaut took to Instagram to share her thoughts on the separation of actor Aamir Khan and director-producer Kiran Rao after 15 years of marriage, blaming it on their marriage being inter-faith.