Bollywood’s megastar Amitabh Bachchan on Tuesday revealed the story behind his famous knotted shirt from the superhit film ‘Deewar’. Big B shared a post on Instagram and revealed that the iconic look, where he is seen wearing Khakhi colour pants and knotted shirt, was actually a tailoring mistake.

Sharing the post, he wrote “Those were the days my friend .. and the knotted shirt .. it has a story .. first day of shoot .. shot ready .. camera about to roll .. and the discovery that the shirt has been made too long – beyond the knees .. director could not wait for another shirt or a replaced actor .. so tied it up in a knot and %u2026″

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The 1975-movie directed by Yash Chopra featured Amitabh Bachchan along with Shashi Kapoor, Neetu Singh, Nirupama Roy, and Praveen Babi.

Big B will be next seen in %u2018Chehre%u2019 along with Emran Hashmi and Rhea Chakroborty. His last movie %u2018Gulaba Sitabo%u2019 along with Ayushmann Khurrana released on Amazon Prime and was a blockbuster hit.

The ‘Sholay’ actor, who is very active on social media, keeps sharing updates from his film projects and everyday life. He recently shared pictures of his most adorable co-star. He wrote: “My co-star at work .. when he’s on set the whole atmosphere changes .. that is why they are man-woman’s best friend.”

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